It was all over the news. shocking. sad. unbelievable. --> Inevitable now that I think about it.
It's scary to think about those millions of strangers out there that could potentially find out everything about you... -where you live-what you look like-how old you are...
it gives me goosebumps.
Read this article.
Are you going to remove your profile pic?
Are you going to remove your personal details?
As the article states "the onus is on the use to change their settings from open to PRIVATE"
I too think it is the PARENTS responsibility to monitor their kids behaviour on the computer... I believe it also is up to the PARENTS to EDUCATE their kids on the dangers of talking to strangers and exposing private and personal details.
What kind of world are we coming to ? Where an 18 year old girl was murdered after meeting up with so she thought 'her new friends.'
Something needs to change. Parents take action. Teachers take action.
Children need to be educated - they need to know the consequences of their actions...
lets educate!
Thanks to ABC News for the image.
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